Sunday, December 30, 2007

IBA in deep part – II

Assignments or better as misspelt version “ASSINGments” are piling up. The exams just got over and they thought some rest is around… but not for long. But, man, that is True Management Student Lifestyle!!!!

Another Beautiful aspect of IBA Life is its great Wi-Fi network. IBA’s network must have been inspired from the old BPL mobile network (updated as Vodafone today). It is always weak when you need it the most. The best example for this is the Early morning class (7 AM) of Prof. Ramesh. He asks you suddenly to go to the Datadepot on the network and download the case-study to be undertaken during class. You will never find any network in the academic block. If u end up finding one, then, it is down! (Well, a solution to this is downloading any damn new file in his folder the night before the class). The network has a tendency to go down whenever you have assignment submission on the knife-edge deadline. Still, appreciation should be given to IBA because even if the network is weak at majority of places, it is at least provided in IBA which has helped in reducing the Load of rubber insulated optical fibres in the campus. This facility is still not provided in many campuses.

In economics, there is a concept of Monopoly. It can be easily studied in IBA at the great Indian GOWDA shop. There are only few shops around IBA other than His. But, for the IBAians, it is His Almighty Shop which is the only one approachable once the gates get closed. Even when u plan to have a bite during the ultra-short break during a lecture, it is his shop which is the Ultimate Solution. Due to all these reasons, one finds the prices of the local Eatables being hiked by at least 5-20% (For example, case of 20% occurs when he sells a Veg Puff for 6 Rs hich originally comes for 5 Rs.). It is also a great place to study the marketing gimmicks. [For example, he removed the stock of “Mazza” & “Amul Milk” and place the Real Juice Fridge in front and sold at nearly 2 rs. Higher price and got great sales].

NEXT: The “ART-OF-LIVING” IBA Special!!!!(A hilarious yet spiritual trip)

Sunday, December 2, 2007

My Research on people in Exam Time

So last! Sorry to all those who have read this page before that I have not been able to update this page since long time.

We (well, at least some of us) were facing the firing squad of the Emperor “Exams”. This was the first experience of the Exams in a B-school. It is the phase when u end up finding that the hours u have slept earlier were the ones which u will end up losing during exam phase.

Everybody is having one or another sheet of paper in their hands. The eyes continue to roll over them functioning as a mental tongue. The books which were never touched during the whole trimester are found laying open on beds. Let’s study some personality types which I have come across during these phase–

1) Dominators: Some guys take this opportunity to try out the Australian Strategy of Psychological Domination. They will approach you and hit u with a barrage of questions of which they know the answers. All they want is the satisfaction that they know more than others. They will teach others, but, leave some important bits and pieces which are important for the answering phase.

2) Helpers: But, all aren’t the same. Some are good enough that they help u in the subjects they are strong. They will sometimes end up over-helping but still are the band of good guys which is very small in size.

3) Co-existers: These guys know that they are not very intelligent and need to survive in this competition. Such guys clump together and study. They are very tightly knit groups. All the members have their set of Strengths and Weaknesses, but, they tend to nullify each others’ weaknesses.

4) Leeches: These are the dangerous sub-species of Dominators. They tend to work in tandem with Dominators. They are the dangerous guys who take over-advantage of helpers. They should be watched out for with dominators.

Hopefully, this data will help out those who find themselves in difficulty while exams.