Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The IBA in deep part - 1

Well it has been a long time since the last post. Only one buzz was on for the people with laptops… ASSIGNMENTS >>>> ASSIGNMENTS. But, on the eve & night of 3rd Sep (also dark morning of 4th Sep), we , the newbies at IBA were upgraded to trainees at IBA. That’s the Freshers’ Nite….. rechristened as “ASTRAL”…. A party with varieties of ooze and –oozes and oooohhh and ooooooaa!!

But first, let’s go deep in the week gone by. As expected it was a hectic week. The CR-ship was testing the patience of mine and also of those who chose me. It is sometimes amusing and most of the times irritating to find that someone whom u thought will be under our control, suddenly takes your control. At least, a large chunk of my class feels like that. The week was full of ego clashes and family soap drama.

In all this, I learnt an important lesson at IBA. “Group Assignments are the assignments that tend to approach completion but under 99% circumstances never reach it.” If the group is of 8 people then, one can find that there will always be only 3-4 people sitting and working. The levels of sincerity and attendance of the group for discussion are always on decline. Yet it is fun.

After getting the laptop and due to stay in RPG(outside hostel), for some Computer Freak like me, the IT lab becomes the home next to real home rather than the library. Let’s study some features of library with some additional details.

1) Always maintain silence (that is really frustrating to think!! Silence creates greater sense of nuisance as it always gives a sense of feeling that somebody is whispering around)
2) There is always ample amount of space to sit. (Since very few people visit this place in a day…. this place has very low footfall)
3) The luggage rack is of highest importance (In a day, even if u r not in the library, u can put ur bag or baggage there and roam around in the campus… but this should be done with caution)
4) Mobiles should be put off ( but there is always one mobile a day which rings loud enough to stir the stagnant air of the place)

Now let’s study about the IT Lab. This place is the most happening place in IBA as all the things happen here only. The place is used as workshop for all the things from Craft to Technical to Assignments. The salient features of this place are –

1) Silence never gets a chance here (By rule you should be silent in IT lab too. But, it is never followed. The noise here rejuvenates me a lot. It inspires me to work).
2) During certain hours of day, even a small ant won’t be able to find place to sit.(After 6 pm, the place turns into a market… there is always overflow demand for chairs. While walking, you should be always cautious of the hanging cords of chargers, people sitting on the floor and their beloved books and lappies)
3) Most of the electrical points are discharged… everybody with chargers move around the lab in search for a live point.
4) Orkut Zindabad…… 60% of laptops disregard of the real owners have the Orkut logged on. Some people r so much Orkutized and GTalk-ized that they scrap and chat even if they r sitting just two tables away.

Next post: The Freshers’ Nite , Onam and Teachers’ Day Celebrations… an incredible post about the fun angle of IBA. So wait and watch!!!

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