Sunday, October 21, 2007

An Insight on Faculties at IBA

Hello, fellow IBAians, alumni and future IBAians and also the other people who are visiting this blog /forum. Well, it’s time to analyze the faculties whom I have come cross in my first few months at IBA. (Statuatory Note: These details aren’t about their academic and professional excellence, for that, visit the IBA website!)

1. Vijay Raja (Financial Accounts): This person is one of the people about whom u might have dreamt or heard. He is a topper in nearly all the qualifications he has (believe me he has too many to be told). It’s bad that he is a visiting faculty. He is one of the best VF (Visiting Faculty)IBA possesses for the 1st years. He is a gem of a teacher and also person. He knows the nerve centers of all students. He is only teacher who has an Orkut Fan Club. His jokes sometimes can seem to be stale or patchy, but the presentation makes them also laughable and laudable… Love you sir!
2. S Ramesh (Cost Accounting) : Ramesh sir is a teacher who has a spine-chilling methodology of teaching. He is pretty strict about the way students should behave and work. His class is the only one which is at 7-8:30 am. All the sleep we have in our eyes scampers off when he approaches. But, I ended up liking his teaching after some time. In each class, once at least, he has to say “ WE R BENCHMARKING IIMs and CAs”!! In each of classes, some warriors of Section-D fall for QCTs(Quiz –cum –Test). It is renowned fact that if u get Zero in Ramesh Scorecard then, u r pretty good as most of the times, scores tend to be in Negative!!
3. Prof. Shankaranaryana (Economics): I had always carried a dream of being taught by a teacher who never asks me to follow a regular path and syllabus. On doing his class, I got my Teacher. I never knew that Economics can be such an awesome subject. His methodology is all about questions. He will dig into your minds and give you simplest answers for most complex questions. Even the students, in my class who had learned Economics for last 3 years, find his class as a place of something new. His concepts are crystal clear. He loves teaching that can be seen in his expressions. He also simultaneously gives us tips about the corporate world outside. His best dialogue to date is “I do not need PowerPoint Presentations, as my words are to the Point and they have enough Power”!!
4. Prof. Anant Murthy (Statistics): He is the most jovial teacher in IBA. The kind of rapport he shares with students is cool. His classes are never boring even if the subject is very much!! He has a knack of cracking really weird jokes at times.
5. Prof. Chitra Parathasarathy(Communication): She is the only female teacher we have for our class. She teaches communication. She is pretty over-disciplined at times, but, I can understand that she is preparing us for the outside world. But, she has an impeccable taste for fashion. At her age, she is awesome at carrying herself. Always, her dress and jewellery are perfectly matching. She is never late as per class timings.
6. Prof Staju Jacob (Marketing): Staju Sir is the near-perfect teacher for marketing. Coming from a great work-ex with a graduation degree in my subject, he is good at teaching. I like his PPTs. But, he gives us the highest workload of assignments .Each week we have two assignments. Add the Additional Reading Articles he gives us to read, and u get pretty strong headache and eye-ache ( Laptop problem). Also, surprise tests keep cropping up. He cuts marks if u r found to be talking in class, answering out of turn or mobile rings… even if u r late in class. For all such instances, he just says “CR write his/her name please”. But still love him!
7. Prof Thandavmurthy (Understanding Behaviour): He is the most soft-spoken among all faculties. He teaches in a cool and composed manner and always appreciates a good response from a student appropriately. He gives a free rein to us about giving examples of behavioural features. His feedback about the presentations were very helpful and frank.

Next Post: Literal Tourism of IBA, Bangalore

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