Saturday, April 25, 2009

Finale..... Farewell Academics!!

Dear all,

       Sorry to cut this blog short... but, just had so much going on in the second year.. may be a book would be a great idea.. Archish in February was the classic climax to academics for me... (My placement which came to happen in March seemed a close competition!)... Also, as a part of Hunterz Ignite (MKTG), organizing MERCATUS was a dream come true really. Being the part of Barcodes (RETAIL), I had the great opportunities to do so many things I really wanted to do - Session Planning , Debates and of course, the Grand Quiz Competition (it was great experience from the other side of the table)...

    Well, but, at last the time has come to bid adieu to this phase of my Life... LIFE @ IBA... Retrospecting .. I can say this place gave me all I could have asked for... Some things I never dreamt of getting. I enjoyed my two years... Solving Cases, Relationship, Friends, Exams, Parties and the lovely romantic campus at night! It gave me everything I hoped from MBA... 

    I have written loads of stuff irritatingly comical about the place.. But all with true good feeling behind it... This place has made me more mature, sensible, realisitic yet believer in emotional connects, practical yet philosophical.. Overall, an excellent crisis manager! Since some of us have had a rugged start by living like Spartans in Bayanpalya Hostel (RPG), we had learnt lessons time-to-time about independent thoughts and united action. 

   Our Life @ IBA had stretched from humble beginnings in outskirts at RPG to Lavish living on the third floor of NBH... from disorientation about careers to convergence on career path.. it had been a pleasure. 

   I cannot leave without a word about the juniors. After an initial tug-of-war of egos, over the period of time, we gelled well.... I had an honour of staying with them in same hostel.. They are really who made my life during Year 2 really special.... We shared movies, games, strategies and life stories and blended well... I hope to continue my touch with most of them....

  So here I say Ciao IBA! I will be back for help anytime anyone asks for it!!

Regards and Signing off,
Makrand Patwardhan


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hello MAK sir,

Love u...Nice time with u... We will miss and lots of love from us...

Yes keep updating ur blog and keep in touch....(change ur profile 1st)


Vinit said...

Har Subah ki eek Shaan hoti hai, tabhi to eek naya savera aata hai. Enjoy.....
